

Boris Michalicek | 15. june, 2010 | views 24459×

In spite of not very good weather forecast, we decided to do a winter tour in Austrian Alps. It took us a while to decide what would be the best to do. After all, we made a plan to reach the 2942 meter high Hochkonig with overnight stay in the mountain hut Matras House, located on top of the summit. According to available information, there was one room still available, but without heating. read more

Vybavenie pre krajinársku fotografiu

Vybavenie pre krajinársku fotografiu

Štefan Kordoš | 10. may, 2010 | views 34341×

Fotografovanie sa bez technického vybavenia nezaobíde. Na internete možno nájsť mnoho článkov, recenzií, fór, z ktorých je zrejmé, že začínajúcim fotografom je ťažké sa v tom vyznať.Časy sa menia, pamätám si, keď som začínal fotografovať ja. Vtedy boli na vrchole predaja... read more

Working the Light

Working the Light

Varina Patel | 5. april, 2010 | views 13319×

In my mind, every photograph is a collection of the elements I began to notice in my childhood. Before I release the shutter, I find myself taking each into account. Light, color, texture, and detail are separate entities working together to create a picture. The viewer may not take the image apart... read more

Seeing the Light

Seeing the Light

Varina Patel | 9. march, 2010 | views 4807×

A photograph is an image that has been created by light falling onto a surface sensitive to it. A successful photographer, therefore, must have an extraordinary awareness of light. Many photographers learn to “see” light in a way others do not. We observe the subtly different shades of color... read more

Zimným Škótskom

Zimným Škótskom

Marek Potoma | 15. february, 2010 | views 9136×

„Niečo ako ideálne svetlo nejestvuje, existuje len svetlo rozličné.“ Joe CornishÚvodHoci najpriaznivejším obdobím na návštevu Škótska sa zdá byť máj či jún, fotograficky mimoriadne nevydarená tohtoročná zima - teplá, zablatená, neinšpiratívna – prispela k rozhodnutiu... read more